Web 2.0 Applications

My Glogster

 This is my first Glogster. I had a great time building it, the format was easy to use and the result were visibly appealing. I made my Glogster about a novel called "Pay It Forward" that we are reading in our class. The students have gone through the text and are playing their part to "pay it forward" through classroom activities.


 My Google Doc

We currently use Google Docs in my classroom to give students access to assignments outside of the classroom. Students also have the ability to share finished work and projects with me at any desired time. Below is an example of information that was shared with my students to help them with an assignment.

Advertisement Database

Social Bookmarking Experience

I absolutely LOVE Pinterest! Teachers have access to soooo many great ideas that can be used in the classroom. Below you will find a link to my Social Bookmark for 6th Grade Instruction via Pinterest.

6th Grade Instruction

RSS Reader

The RSS Reader is something that I was not so familiar with but I look forward to using it as a tool in the future for my students and myself. This is a great tool to keep up with useful websites in one location. It creates easy access for the teacher and students to reference.

It is very important for teachers to have a PLN because in education, collaboration is key! Why recreate when something has already been done, tested, proven and successful! A PLN is an avenue for advice.


The Wiki Site seemed to be easy to navigate through. The video link in the course wouldn't work for me but looking the the wiki website, they provide great instructions. I was able to create a project for students to refer to and set a new color theme for the page. I look forward to exploring more in the Wiki website. To view my classroom wiki please use the link below:


Digital Story Telling

My students are going to enjoy this web application. I explored the ToonDoo Story Telling website. I hope to allow my students to create their own stories to present to the class. We will help each other build up the story and create a live illustration to be sent to the Children's hospital to follow up with our "Pay It Forward" class project!

Please view my story below:

Pay It Forward

New Web 2.0 Tool

The Word Sift Tool is pretty awesome! It breaks down the vocabulary words and provides users with more information than they could ever fathom! This would be a great tool that my students could use to explore their vocabulary words along with a dictionary. 


  1. I really like the layout of your blog. It is very welcoming and informative. Please post your students "Pay it Forward" digital story!

  2. I like the style and layout of your blog. I also like the Word Sift Tool that you shared with us. Thanks!
